

Where should you feel your baby move?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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I have just had the great news that me and my husband are expecting our first baby. This is thrilling news but now I am trying to gather as much information as I can. I'm currently at week 6 and am already feeling "hormonal" and can sense changes in my body, but I want to know what to expect in the future. What would be perfect for me would be a week by week guide to pregnancy which highlights all of the key milestones at that stage. I know I am asking a lot but does anybody have the titles of books on the subject or maybe web articles on the topic. Thanks for all those that help with this request, your support is appreciated.

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13y ago

I'm 24 wks along with my second and can honestly say that I was wondering the same thing. It's a weird like almost air bubble flutter feeling. I've been feeling that for some time now almost every day. I also wondered if it was normal to have been feeling the baby since about 12/13 wks. This baby has hiccups too like no ones business! My first never did. I wondered if it would cause colic in a newborn...posts like this have said otherwise though and that hiccups in the womb are normal. Although he's had them for several wks and the ladies posting were a little farther along than I am.

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17y ago

Depending on how the baby is positioned. If your baby is in the breach postion. When the baby kicks you will most likely feel it in your privates.

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12y ago

in the bottom of your stomach it should kick all over you stomach

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You should be able to feel your baby move between 16-20weeks. if this isn't your first pregnancy then you will be able to distinguish 'baby' movement even earlier

Should you feel a baby move at 22 weeks?

oh yes you definitely can. at this point the babys movement should become more tense

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You should feel regular movement in starting in the 4th month. Karen Erdman

How often should you feel your baby move at 25 weeks pregnant?

As long as you can feel the baby move every day you should be fine. Some days they are more active than others. Once your baby begins its first movements, you should feel it move everyday. After the 5th month, if you have begun feeling movemements and the baby does not move for more that a 34 hour period, you cshould contact your doctor immediately. However some days, the movement might be minimal while other days you feel like the baby is dancing around inside of you. Just be aware of the movements and you should be fine.

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I'm 15 weeks pregnant. And i haven't feel him/her move yet. I'm so excited to feel him/her. Anyways i think you should feel your baby move by 4 to 5 months. ^^

When your pregnant how many moths will you be able to feel it move?

4 months and u can feel the baby move

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At least 10 kicks or movements per day.

Is it normal to feel your baby move under your belly button?

Yes it is normal to feel your baby move under your belly button I'm pregnant with my third child and you feel the baby move any where it feels like kicking or turning. The only time you need to worry is if your baby inst moving at all.

When pregnant can you feel the baby move at 12 weeks?

Most women start to feel the baby move around 13 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. If a person is very thin, they may feel it before.

When do you start to feel the bABY KICK?

Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

Can you feel your baby move at 12 weeks?

The average time to be able to begin to feel a baby move is around 20 weeks. It is highly possible though for some women to feel the baby move as early as 12 weeks, especially if they are very thin or if it isn't the woman's first pregnancy.

Should you feel the baby move or kick at twenty three weeks?

YES because quickening is felt at 18 to 20 weeks.