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Q: Is it normal for a newborn baby eyes to be clouded over?
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How does a newborn baby with closed eyes recognize its mother?

by voice

If your newborn baby has only slightly slanted eyes -but is very active - could she have Down syndrome?

Just because a newborn baby has slightly slanted eyes does not mean that they have down syndrome. Doctors are able to diagnose down syndrome at birth.

Why do hospitals put gel on newborn babies eyes?

The goop is to prevent infection from the birth canal getting into baby's eyes.

When can you touch your newborn baby mouse?

No you can not touch a newborn baby mouse tomuch unless the eyes are open P.S feed a baby abandond mouse condensed milk worm up in microwave for 8 seconds and use sorinj

Why can't a newborn baby see his reflection in the mirror?

Newborn eyes don't focus yet and they don't see in color at first. It take a bit of time before both of these things develop in a baby.

Is it normal for your baby chick to have his eyes closed?


What is a sentence with the word clouded?

Here is an example sentence with the word "clouded":Karen's eyes clouded with pain and grief as she watched her dog being put to sleep.

What fish has small clouded eyes?

A gulper fish

When do newborn baby bunnies eyes and ears open?

Baby rabbits should open their eyes around day 11 or 12 after birth.

When do newborn rats open their eyes?

Newborn rats generally open their eyes when they are about two weeks old.

What medicated eye drops are put into baby eyes within an hour after birth?

Before antibiotics silver nitrate was put into newborn babies eyes to prevent gonorrhea contraction from the mother.

How do newborn rats look like?

First born pups should be tiny, pink, furless, blind and deaf. Their fur will start to grow around a week and after about ten days their eyes will open and they will start to hear.