

Is fungi a sexual or sexual?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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Q: Is fungi a sexual or sexual?
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Is fungi sexual or asexual?

It is both asexual and sexual

What are fungi that do not go through sexual reproduction called?

Has the sexual stage ever been seen in imperfect fungi?

Yes, the sexual stage has been observed in imperfect fungi, which are also known as Deuteromycetes or fungi lacking a known sexual stage. Although they were originally thought to reproduce solely through asexual means, it has been discovered that some species of imperfect fungi can undergo sexual reproduction under certain conditions. However, the sexual stage in these fungi is rare and not well understood compared to fungi with known sexual cycles.

What group of fungi form ascospores during sexual reproduction?

zygote forming fungi

What is the phylum for fungi with unknown sexual stages?

The phylum for fungi with unknown sexual stages is called Deuteromycota. This phylum, also known as fungi imperfecti or imperfect fungi, includes various fungi that have not yet been observed to reproduce sexually.

What are the types of sexual spores of fungi?

The three types of Sexual Spores in fungi are: 1) Zygospores 2) Ascospores 3) Basidiospores

What fungi has never been seen in a sexual stage?

in some imperfect fungi

What fungi lack sexual reproduction?

What is the type of fungi in which a sexual phase has not been observed?

Why are deuteromycetes more difficult to classify than other fungi?

Deuteromycota is also called the Fungi Imperfecti or the Imperfect Fungi. The Fungi Imperfecti can be characterized by the septate mycelium production.

What are the two ways fungi produce spores.?

sexual and asexual

What do fungi produce both asexual and sexual reproduction?
