

Is flagella is a organ

Updated: 11/6/2022
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7y ago

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and correct the grammar please!

Flagella is cellular organelle.It is a microscopic structure connected to cell
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Q: Is flagella is a organ
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What happens if flagella is absent?

flagella is a locomotary organ for some micro-organisms,if flagella is not present there is no locomotion hence can be attacked by any organism and can be destroyed

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Basidiomycetes, a type of fungi has flagella as its locomotory organ.

What is the function of flagella?

A flagella enables an organism to travel. Flagella are whip like tails that are used to propel the organism forward.

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That doesn't make sense. There is no organ that "moves" bacteria. What do you mean by that? I think you want flagella. An organelle of bacteria.

What is the organ of locomotion of a ciliate protozoa?

== == They depend on the kind of protozoan. Possibilities are flagella (flagellum singular), cilia, or a pseudopod. == == == ==

What is the function of a bacterial flagella?

Flagella is the whip-like structure extending from the bacteria and it allows for movement of bacteria.

What is the whip-like tail called?

Flagella. Flagella Flagellum (flagella is the plural form) flagella

What is prokaryotic cell movement attributed to?

cilia and flagella

What is the function of flagella in a cell?

The word "flagella" is plural so the proper term to use for this question would be "flagellum". A flagellum is an organ of locomotion in single cell organisms. In other words, the flagellum help the organism move around.