

Is downloading music to a mobile free?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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sometimes yes sometimes no

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Q: Is downloading music to a mobile free?
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I wouldn't suggest downloading free music because that could result into pirating music

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How can you get a free song?

you can get free music by downloading it from the internet

Is downloading free music on your phone legal?

Depends on what you mean by "free music." If the music is free because you're not supposed to pay for it, then downloading it to your phone is probably legal. If the music is free because you're not paying for it, then whether or not downloading it to your phone is legal depends on whether or not you're supposed to pay for it.

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if its free...

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The radio.

Is downloading free music then deleting it legal?


Can I get in trouble for downloading free mp3 music?

It is possible to get in trouble for downloading free mp3 music because it is illegal. Ussually you do not get caught though. It is up to you to make the choice.

How do you download free music on your phone?

It depends what kind of music you want, where you live (legal status) and the available services in your area. Not to forget your phone type. Downloading free music is commonly seen as an illegal act. Many mobile phones do not support the websites that offer you free downloads of music. Just use spotify or iTunes for your music.