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No, I came across multiple stories on the web of people being denied such claims.

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Q: Is attention deficit disorder an eligible disability to collect SSI?
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Can you collect state disability and social security at the same time in California?

You should be able to. If you are working past retirement age and paying in to state disability you should be able to collect up to 12 months. State disability is different then federal social security. If you are paying in and its within the 12 months you should be eligible to collect on what you paid for, it is insurance.

If you were diagnosed with MS on Nov 9 2007 and you have been on disability since and your employer has terminated you can you still collect disability?

If you had active coverage under your group short-term disability or long-term disability plan on November 9, 2007, then you may be eligible for benefits. You will have to find out what insurance company handled your disability benefits during that period of time, and then follow-up with them. Whether you are actually eligible for benefits will depend on the contract your employer had/has with this insurance company. Some contracts have late filing penalties, some have clauses regarding termination of employment, etc. Long story short - call that insurance company. You may be eligible for disability benefits.

Can you collect long term disability and Florida state disability for cancer?

Cancer is one of the leading causes of disabilities. You may be eligible for benefits under your long term disability policy if your cancer prevents you from performing your work duties. Florida does not have state disability. Their are only five states that do: CA, HI, NJ, NY, and RI.

Can you collect disability after working eight years if you are 72 years old and collect Social Security from your deceased spouse?

You collect disability only if you show that you are unable to perform work, not that you worked as long as you have. If you worked eight years and there are justifiable reasons for quitting, as determined by your state's employment security office then you might be eligible for unemployment benefits. This has nothing to do with the Social Security you are presently receiving.

Who is eligible to collect life insurance?

The person who is eligible to collect life insurance is the beneficiary. Anybody can be named the beneficiary. There are steps that need to be taken before a person can collect.

In California can you collect unemployment after state disability?

You can collect unemployment after state disability if you are healthy enough to return to work, and your employer terminated your employment during your disability. The termination can not be related to your job performance.

Can you collect social security disability for flatfeet?

No, to collect social security disability you must not be able to work any job in the national economy.

Can you collect on a life insurance policy if you have a long term disability before death?

Not specifically for a long term disability, but you can collect if you have a terminal illness.

Can you collect Social Security disability benefits due to 2 knee replacements?

can you collect social security disability due to 2 knee repalcements

Can you collect ssi disability benefits for flatfoot?


I am one credit short of being eligible to receive disability Since I am not eligible can I collect on my ex spouse SS since I am disabled although I am only sixty years old not the required age?

Not until you reach the age of 64.5 years of age. If you are not qualified to receive Medicare disability benefits then you will not going to get them. Making a claim on someone else's is based on death of another individual.