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a vulture is a 1st order consumer,because it is been eaten..:)

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Q: Is a vulture a third order consumer?
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What consumer is a vulture?

it is a scavenger

Is a vulture consumer?

it can be both actually, it can be a consumer and a decomposer

What kind of a consumer is a mountain lion?

A third order consumer

What s a third order consumer?

you are

What kind of consumer is a vulture?


What is a 4th level consumer?

A Highest order consumer is the top of the food chain. They are eaten by nothing and eat everything .

What is the consumer that feeds on dead organisms?

a vulture

Which type of animal eats a second order consumer?

a example of a third order consumer is like a great white shark if we were talking about water food chains if we were talking about land i wouldthink of the lion to be the third order consumer most importantly i think of then animal which is like the territorial predator is the third order consumer that's my answer by sexy people

What are some third order consumers?

eats the trird order consumer