

Is a plot of Christmas carol a sub plot or a main plot?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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The story is a sort of extended short story. In a sense ( I assume you mean the familiar Scrooge ghost-tale) is in a very real sense a Problem Novel- one of the first, focusing on the personal problems of the lead character. this is not the most chummy of literary modes, unlike science-fiction and romance.

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Q: Is a plot of Christmas carol a sub plot or a main plot?
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Memory might be a bit spotty , but this could have been a SUB PLOt in the serious Drama ( A Tree Grows In Brooklyn) The sub-plot was, hoiwver played for laughs.

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A Sub-plot

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I never recall any plot or even sub-plot along these lines in the Comedy- which it was The Beverly Hillbillies. Granny Clampett ( Irene Ryan) was one of the lead characters.

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There should be one main plot. In a longer story or novel, you can have one or two sub-plots that run along during the story, too.

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