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Civets are actually not related to cats and are definitely not skunks, a whole other family of animals.

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Q: Is a civet cat and a skunk the same animal?
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Related questions

What is an american civet cat?

The American civet cat is a type or ring tailed cat like creature. They are closely related to the skunk and raccoon.

What does smelled like a ciyet cat mean?

A civet cat is a skunk. That should be enough explanation.

What an relationship bet civet and chicken?

What is the relationship between a civet and a chicken? A civet is a smallish wild cat, so it would eat a chicken. The chicken is a prey animal and an omnivore and the civet is a carnivore and a hunter/killer.

Who is a Silky cat shaped mammal with spots?

It is a Civet. (Civet Cat)

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What is the difference between a pole cat and skunk?

Polecat is sometimes used as an alternate name for the skunk but is also used as an alternate name for the civet and for several species of weasel, including the European polecat, which domestic ferrets were descended from.

How do you use the word civet in a sentence?

The Civet is a cat-like mammal .

What is the coffee that comes from the dung of a civet cat?

Kopi Luwak or civet coffee .

What animal from the cat family eats cocoa beans then poops them out and people use it to make coffee?

Kopi luwak is the world’s most expensive coffee. The main factor of it’s high price is the uncommon method of producing such a coffee. It is produced from the coffee beans which have been digested by a certain Indonesian cat-like animal called then palm civet or also civet cat. This is the reason kopi luwak is also called cat poop coffee or civet cat coffee. The feces of this cat will be collected, finished and sold as kopi luwak. The coffee fruit is digested by the animal but the seed (or bean) passes through the animal undigested and is excreted in the feces.

Why are civet cats enemies of king cobras?

King cobras do not have many predators but the civet cat is one of them. The civet cat can sneak up behind and kill a king cobra quickly.

Can civet cat swim?


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