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Yes, the UN can be seen as supranational. For example its 5 veto-powered member states in the Security Council.

However, the General Assembly could arguable be looked upon as intergovernmental.

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Q: Is UN a supranational organization
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The United Nations (UN) was a supranational organization dedicated to keeping world peace.

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The united Nations

What does supranational mean?

Supranational refers to an organization or movement that extends beyond any single nation. Although limited in power, the United Nations organization is a supranational organization. Likewise, many religions are supranational in that they extend beyond national boundaries and may at times function without reference to particular nations.

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There is no boundary on any basis!

How do United Nations function as elements of supranationalism?

In that the UN supersedes national borders, it meets the criteria for being a supranational organization. Generally speaking, the UN provides four major services at the international or supranational level: 1. Education 2. Food and medical (both disaster response and infrastructure). 3. Negotiation and mediation (to include sanctions as well as a general forum). 4. Support of police actions.

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Yes NATO is intergovernmental organisation from the first world war

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interactive arena, creator and center of cooperation, independent international actor and supranational organization

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Miss Supranational was created in 2009.

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What is the European union is working to create?

A unified Europe, economically and politically. Eventually, the European Union will most likely fuse into one nation on account of it being a supranational organization (acting somewhat as a country already).

Is UN a dead organization?

it is dead