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HUD and the housing authority are not directly responsible for any damages caused by its client tenants. If the tenant damages property, you have the right to evict him just as you would any other tenant. If you take the tenant to court and win the eviction, the tenant will lose his voucher permanently.

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Q: Is Section 8 responsible for tenant damage to real property?
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Ceiling falls in who is responsible for damage to renters property?

As a general rule, you are responsible for any damage to your property. However, if your landlord knew of problems with the ceiling but did not get them fixed promptly, he may be responsible for the damage to your property. Also, if the ceiling collapse was caused by faulty construction (i.e. the ceiling did not comply with local building codes), you would be able to sue your landlord for failing to keep the property up to building code. Finally, since landlord-tenant laws vary from state to state, your state may have a specific law that holds your landlord responsible for the damage. You should immediately see a tenant's rights agency or landlord-tenant attorney who can review your specific situation.

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Yes, the co-signer is responsible.

How should I seek restitution from my ex landlord for mold damage to my personal property?

Generally landlords are not responsible for damage to tenant belongings. This is why tenants are encouraged, and some landlords require this, to purchase rental insurance.

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Is a landlord or his insurance carrier liable for damage to renter's commercial property loss of wages etc when a pipe freezes and bursts causing water damage to the renter's property?

No one is liable for an act of nature Presumably, The tenant signed a lease agreement. Most landlords specify in the lease agreement that the tenant purchase there own insurance to cover the tenants and the landlords interest in the property being leased. This clarifies for the tenant that they are responsible for their own property as well as liable for any un-repaired damages to the owners property.

Does your insurance cover property damage from the tenant?

No. Damage done by a tenant is specifically excluded on a dwelling policy. Tenants are considered insureds under the policy and damage done by an insured is not covered.

Is a landlord responsible US for fire damage to tenants property if the landlord indicated he had insurance for that building verbally?

Was the tenant's property attached to the building, such as signs, wall to wall carpet, etc.? Because building insurance typically does not include contents of others but can include permanently installed Tenant's Improvements and Betterments.

Does tenant liability insurance cover property damage due to tenant negligence?

Yes if it is covered by d insurance policy & No if not. Usually its not.

Who is responsible for installing air conditioning the landlord or the tenant?

The landlord, because he/she owns the property.

Why does a tenant need property damage insurance?

Your land lord is not responsible for any damage to or loss of personal belongs. This is why you would want to get renters insurance. The owner of the home should have it covered with "Home Owner's Insurance", which doesn't cover a tenant's belongings should there be a fire, etc. Renter's Insurance covers the tenant's belongings. Without it, a tenant would not be eligible for a claim and would not be able to recoup any losses.

Is my landlord responsible for damaged to my personal property if the damage was caused by an overflowing toilet in the apartment above?

well of course, remember that your rent covers everything from your ceiling to the walls of your area. any damage or event that did not start inside your property and caused damage is not your fault. the landlord and the tenant above should make an agreement on how they will fix the damage and pay for the cost.