

Is Rigel brighter than the Sun?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Is Rigel brighter than the Sun?
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Why does the sun seem brighter than Rigel?

The sun appears brighter than Rigel does because it is much closer to us by a factor of about 50 million.

How much brighter is rigel than the sun?

About 85,000 times as bright!

Which star is brighter Betelgeuse or Rigel?

Rigel is brighter than Betelgeuse.

Is there a star that is hotter than the sun?

Yes, many stars are brighter than our sun. Deneb and Rigel are two examples. Rigel is over 100,000 times brighter than Sol.

Which is brighter Sirius or Rigel?

Sirius has a luminosity of: 25.4 while Rigel has a luminosity of: 66,000 Making Rigel brighter than Sirius.

Does rigel have a greater magnitude than sirus?

No, which means that Rigel is brighter.

Which is brighter Rigel or Betelgeuse?

Rigel is brighter.

Is Rigel brighter than Aldebaran?


How many times brighter is Capella than the sun?

Rigel has a luminosity of 66,000 times greater than our Sun.However, in apparent magnitude (Brightness) it has a magnitude of 0.18 whereas the Sun is -26.73.

Why is Rigel appears brighter than aldeberan even though aldeberan is technically brighter than Rigel?

The absolute magnitude of Rigel is -7.92 while that of Aldebaran is -6.41. This means that Rigel is approx 4 times brighter than Aldebaran - technically. So the question is based on a flawed grasp of absolute magnitude.

Does Rigel have greater apparent magnitude than Sirius?

No, which means that Rigel appears brighter.

Which is brighter larger stars or smaller stars?

Brightness is related to distance. However, from the same distance, an O class star is much much brighter than a M class star. As a comparison, an O class star would appear about 100,000 times brighter than our Sun, whereas a M class star could appear 0.0017 dimmer than our Sun, if the Sun was replaced with each star.