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yes, metals are lustrous in nature.

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Q: Is Luster is a property of metals?
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Related questions

Is luster a metal?

NO. It's a property of metals.

Is luster a typical physical property of metals?

Luster is a physical property of crystals.

What makes silver shiny?

the fact that it is a metal and has the properties of metals. something being shiny means that it has luster, and luster is a property of metals.

Do Metals have shiny appearances?

Yes. That property i called luster.

Name a non-metal that have metallic luster rarely?

some non metals have a rare property called as metallic luster

Do metals have luster?

All metals have some form of luster.

What is a property of metals?

Physical properties of metals include: luster, malleability, and ductility. Chemical properties include: forming cations, and reacting with nonmetals to form ionic compounds.

Luster is most closly associated with which type of element?

Metals are lustrous - a very typical property. or Lustre is a property mainly associated with metals. However, a few non-metals like iodine also have lustre.

are metal dull?

dull metals are dull obviously but other than that no

Do metals have luster and are malleable?

Yes, many metals (not all) have a luster and are malleable.

Is Luster property or physical property?

Luster (lustre) is a physical property.

Is metal lusterous?

No, luster is not metal. Luster is a property of metal, and is basically how shiny something is.