

Is 'separated' a noun

Updated: 9/17/2023
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10y ago

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No the word separated is not a noun. It is an adjective and a past tense verb.

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Q: Is 'separated' a noun
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What type of noun is separated by a hyphen?

One type of compound noun is a hyphenated compound noun. Examples:A-frameforty-fivemother-in-lawnot-for-profitsix-packT-shirtU-turnwarm-upx-rayyear-endThe other types of compound nouns are:open compounds; paint brush, seat belt, shoe storeclosed compounds; bathtub, bedroom, scoreboard

Is this how you spell separated or is this how you spell separated?

You have spelled both of these in the same way. However, yes, separated is the correct spelling.

What part of spech is the word mine?

"Mine" is a special form possessive pronoun, used in modern English only when the possessive pronoun is separated from the noun it modifies by a verb form or by enough words to make the connection between the possessive pronoun and the noun that it modifies otherwise obscure. Examples: That is my book, and that pen is mine also. (separated by verb in the second independent clause) Her coat is red, but mine is blue. ("mine" is separated from the word it modifies, coat, by the three-word phrase "is red, but". All of the normal possessive case pronouns that do not end in the letter "s" have special form possessive pronouns of this type: yours, hers, ours, and theirs. "Mine" can also be: a regular verb, meaning to extract naturally occurring minerals from the Earth; or a noun, meaning either a place where the activity of mining is or has been carried on or a type of weapon that triggers an explosion when touched by sufficient pressure. The noun can also be used as a "substantive adjective", as in the phrases "mine safety" or "mine gases".

Is a appositive the word or words a pronoun stands for?

No, an appositive is a word renaming something before it in a sentence. An appositive can be a noun, a pronoun, or a noun phrase.An appositive is always separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas.Examples:His old dog, Spot, is always at his side. (the noun 'Spot' is the appositive renaming the noun 'dog')The talented head chef, me, made the lasagna. (the pronoun 'me' is the appositive renaming the noun phrase 'the talented head chef')Lucy, my sister, will pick me up today. (the noun phrase 'my sister' is the appositive renaming the noun 'Lucy')A pronoun simply takes the place of a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence.For example:His old dog, Spot, is always at his side. OR, It is always at his side.The talented head chef, me, made the lasagna. OR, I made the lasagna.Lucy, my sister, will pick me up today. OR, She will pick me up today.

What is it called to have a list of words separated by commas?

A list of words separated by commas is called a "comma-separated list" or a "comma-delimited list."

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Is separated a proper noun?

Separated is a verb.

Is astronomy a plural noun?

No, the noun astronomy is an uncountable noun, a word that can't be separated into countable parts. The word astronomy is an abstract noun for a concept.

Is caterpillar a compound noun?

A compound noun is a noun that consists of two or more words, usually separated by dashes. The word caterpillar is not a compound noun.

How do you use fusing in a sentence as a noun?

The fusing on this ball has separated.

Is milkpowder a compound noun?

Yes, the word milk powder is a compound noun, but it is a separated compound noun.A separated compound can be hyphened when used to describe another noun (a noun as an adjective called an attributive noun). Examples:Please pick up a package of milk powder.The milk-powder granules are in big clumps.

Is raincheck a noun- noun coupound or a noun- verb compound?

The word 'rain check' is a (separated) compound noun, a noun made up of two words that forms a noun with its own meaning.

What is abstract noun for separated?

The word 'separated' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to separate. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The abstract noun forms of the verb to separate are separation and the gerund, separating.

What is the meaning of separated nouns?

The term 'separated noun' is used for the open spaced compound noun. There are three types of compound nouns, closed, hyphenated, and open spaced (separated). Examples: open spaced (separated): tennis shoe, front door, paint brush hyphenated: mother-in-law, fifty-five, six-pack closed: bathtub, baseball, houseboat

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can this phrasal verb be separated with a noun or pronoun?breakaway.

Is sadness a noun?

Yes, sadness is a noun. It is a feeling or emotion that describes a state of unhappiness or sorrow.

What is the abstract noun of separated?

The abstract noun forms for the verb to separate are separatism and separation.The abstract noun form for the adjective separate is separateness.The noun separate (separates) is a concrete noun, a word for women's garments sold individually to be worn in various combinations.

Is the word sections a common noun?

Yes, the word 'sections' is a common noun, the plural form of the singular noun 'section', a general word for a part cut off or separated, or a part of a written work.