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liquor ammonia is a saturated solution of ammonia in water (due to the reason that ammonia can dissolve very fast in water).liquor ammonia is not liquid ammonia.liquid ammonia is prepared by liquefaction of ammonia under high pressure n low temp

Aqueous Ammonia is produced by dissolving anhydrous ammonia in water . By passing ammonia in water following reaction takes place: NH3(aq)+H2O(l)NH4+(aq)+OH(aq) and its chemical formula is NH4OH. The strength of aqueous ammonia depends on percentage of anhydrous ammonia passed in given water. The strength of an aqueous ammonia solution can be measured in: Percentage (%), Percentage weight/volume (% w/v), Percentage weight/weight of solution (% w/w), Percentage weight/weight of solution(%g/g) and Specific Gravity(S.G).

Specific gravity of aqueous ammonia varies depending on temperature of solution. Specific gravity is measured by Hydrometer and Baumé scale is a pair of hydrometer scales (also noted by degrees Baume, degrees Baumé; B°, Be°, Bé°, Baume). Hydrometer scale shows ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water.

Aqueous Ammonia also known as ammonia water, ammonia solution, aqua ammonia, ammonium hydroxide, diluted ammonia and in India it is commonly known as liquor ammonia.

Aqueous Ammonia is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor, inheriting water colour and ammonia property. It is an excellent acid neutralizer and its pH varies with concentration.

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What is liquor ammonia?

ammonia gas is highly soluble in water.ammoni dissolved in water is called liquor ammonia

What is meant by liquor ammonia?

A solution of ammonia is called liquor ammonia. Its chemical name is ammonium hydroxide.

What is the concentration of ammonia in liquor ammonia?

Generally 25 % or 30 %.

What is the difference between liquor Ammonia and Liquid Ammonia?

Liquor ammonia is a blend of ammonia, water, and other materials. It's a by-product of some petroleum distillation processes. Liquid ammonia (agriculture users usually call it anhydrous ammonia) is pure ammonia (NH3) gas chilled and condensed into its liquid form.

What is ammonical liquor?

Ammonical Liqour is a solution of ammonia in water.

Are you mean't to swallow or gargle ammonia and ipecacuanha mixture information?

Ammonia is poisonous; don't gargle with it.

What minerals are in ammonia?

Think about what the chemical composition of Ammonia is (NH3) and then you will know the individual elements of the molecule. From that information you can determine the "chemicals" that make up ammonia.

What are some uses for ammonium oxide?

I'm very sorry to inform you that ammonium oxide does NOT exist!Even the ammonium hydroxide, much better known as ammonia, doesn't exist.Citation in wikipedia:Ammonium hydroxide, also known as ammonia water, ammonical liquor, ammonia liquor, aqua ammonia, or aqueous ammonia, is a solution of ammonia in water. It can be denoted by the symbols NH3(aq). Although its name suggests a salt with composition [NH4+][OH−], it is not actually possible to isolate samples of NH4OH - it exists only in dilute aqueous solutions.NH4+ is not an alkali metal, though it forms halogenides, nitrates and other salts like K+ and Na+.In a 1M ammonia solution, about 0.42% of the ammonia is converted to ammonium, NH4+, equivalent to a pH of 11.63.NH3 + H2O NH4+ + OH−.The base ionization constant isKb = [NH4+][OH-]/[NH3] = 1.8×10−5

Where can someone purchase discount liquor?

One can purchase discount liquor at any store provided he or she has coupons or sale information. If one is referring to buying liquor from the Discount Liquor Inc., then he or she must contact the company for more details.

What is the difference between ammonia and anhydrous ammonia and ammonium hydroxide?

Anhydrous ammonia is really just ammonia in fact. "Anhydrous" means without water, and anhydrous ammonia is just pure ammonia without water.It is to distinguish it from ammonia in water solutions because when added to water ammonia forms ammonium hydroxide:NH3 + H2O ---> NH4+ + OH-Ammonium hydroxide is frequently referred to as ammonia because you make it by adding ammonia to water, but it isn't really ammonia. It is much more commonly though because it is easier to handle (ammonia is a gas).See the Web Links for more information about ammonia.

How does ammonia help cakes rise?

Baking ammonia should never be confused with cleaning ammonia, which is poisonous. Baking ammonia breaks down when heated, giving off gas which causes the baked product to rise. See the attached link for more information.

Can you get a liquor license to only deliver liquor?

Short answer is yes. But where are you? laws differ. Some places its illegal simply to possess liquor. I did a google search 'deliver liquor" and found info that says you can do this in Australia, Ontario, Chicago and Glendale. Use your zip code or state to find better information.