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Q: Incoming neural impulses are received by the of a neuron?
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What is the name of a neuron that transmits neural impulse from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron?

A relay neurone passes impulses from a sensory neurone to a motor neurone.

What are electrochemical impulses?

While a neural signal is chemically conveyed from one neuron to another by neurotransmitters, the electro-chemical neural impulse, which happens in the axon when the neuron fires, is called an action potential.

In a neuron impulses move?

In a neuron, impulses move from dendrite to axon. These impulses carry energy to different parts of the neuron.

What part of the neuron carries impulses to the neuron?

The axon, an elongated portion of the neuron, carries impulses to the muscles.

Which structure if the neuron transmits an impulse through the myelin sheath?

Neural impulses (action potentials) are transmitted through axons which are covered in a myelin sheath for insulation.

What is the neuron that conducts impulses towards the periphery?

The efferent neuron carries impulses towards the periphery.

The input zone of a neuron is the?

­The dendrites and cell body. Incoming signals from other neurons are received here.

What is the part of the neuron that receives impulses is called the?

Neural input happens at the dendrites (dendritic tree) of the neuron, but some neurons, notably the sympathetic, can receive input at the axon hillock (where the axon leaves the soma).

What is a motor neuron attached to?

A Motor neuron is a neuron that carries impulses from the spinal cord to muscle cells.A Motor neuron is a neuron that carries impulses from the spinal cord to muscle cells.

What part of the motor neuron carries impulses to the muscle?

The axon, an elongated portion of the neuron, carries impulses to the muscles.

What is the neuron that carries impulses to the nervous cell body is called what?

Fibres which carry impulses towards the cell body of a neuron are called dendrites. The axon is the fibre which carries impulses away from the cell body of a neuron.

What are the two elements needed for neural communication to happen?

Neural communication requires an electrical signal to travel down the axon of a neuron, which is generated by changes in ion concentrations across the cell membrane. At the synapse, neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic neuron and received by receptors on the postsynaptic neuron to transmit the signal.