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they can make photosynthesis to make thier own food.

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Q: In what ways are diatoms dinoflagellates and other plantlike protists similar to plants?
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How plantlike protists are similar to plants?

They can create photosynthesis to make their own food.

How are protists similar to animals?

Protists are similar to animals in a couple ways. All animals are multicellular and some protists are multicellular though not all are. All protists and animal cells are also eukaryotic or containing a nucleus.

What characteristic would you use to place a protist with a cell wall in to either the plantlike or funguslike protists?

protists and fungus are very similar. they are both bacteria and it acts as a noneating products that is not good for you, but it has characteristics that are same.

How are protists and plants similar and how they differ?

They are Eukaryotes

Is protista unicellular and multicellular?

Multicellular protists are grouped with unicellular protists because multicellular protists are very similar to unicellular protists. A protist is any organism that is not a plant, an animal, a fungus, or a prokaryote.

The collar cells of sponges are similar to?

flagellated protists

How animal like protists similar to animals?

They are both heterotrophs.

WHAT IS Licmophora juegensii?

It's cell shape is similar to some 'Dinoflagellates'. I do not know definitively though. It's a type of diatom.

Do protists and archaea live together in colonies?

No, archaea and protists are very similar but they do not live together in colonies. Protists is anything that doesn't fit in the category of the other kingdoms. Hope this helped!

How are protists and monerans similar?

Monerans or prokaryotes are similar to protists because they are both unicellular. Their modes of locomotion is through the use of structures like flagella and cilia.

How can water glow like neon lights?

Some dinoflagellates give off light. A chemical reaction in the cells produces light similar light produced by a firefly. water filled with these dinoflagellates glows like a twinkling neon light.

How are protists and plants similar and how are they different?

Protists and plants are similar because there euckaryotic.But they are different beacuse The best way to tell the difference between plants and plant-like protists is that plant cells are part of a bigger structure, whereas plant-like protists are always unicellular. Animal-like protists are even more different- for example, they are heterotrophs, so they can't make their food and don't have chloroplasts.