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The humerus is the bone in the upper arm.

The radius and the ulna are the bones in the forearm.

The femur is the bone in the thigh.

The tibia and the fibula are the bones in the lower leg.

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Q: In the skeletal system what does not include the arm and leg bones?
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Related questions

What does humerus mean in the skeletal system?

it is one of your arm bones.

Is your upper arm a skeletal or muscle system?

It has organs belonging to the muscular system, the skeletal system, the cardiovascular system, the integumentary system and the nervous system in it. Muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves and skin.

What System Does Arm Belong To?

Skeletal system

What system does broken arm belong to?

Skeletal system

Which of the bones does not include the arm and leg bones?

The axial skeleton.

How are the skeletal system and muscular system related or similar in function?

The muscles are connected to the bones. Without the bones, the muscles would fall down in a mass of mush, but without the muscles, the bones would not be able to make our bodies move. We would always stay still.

Which is not directly regulated by the autonomic nervous system?

Skeletal muscles in the arm

How a tendon worktogether with muscular and skeletal system?

Muscles are attaches to tendons, which in turn are attached to bones. So if you wanted to bend your arm, the biceps pulls on the tendon which is attached to the Radius and Ulna.

How do the functions of the skeletal system relate to the function of the muscular system?

The skeletal system is closely related to the muscular system. When you think on walking, or making any other movement, the muscular system that makes part of the bones, articulations, tendons, gets an order from the brain, thus actuating the limbs that make you stand up, walk, rise your arm,and so on.

What body system is the arm in?

The arm is not part of a single system; to construct an arm you need lots of systems, which includes the muscular, skeletal, circulatory, nervous, and integumentary systems.

Is humerus a part of the skeletal system?

Yes, it's the upper arm bone.

Which two organ system let you raise your arm in class?

Muscular and Skeletal