

In the picture the last supper which one betray Jesus?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: In the picture the last supper which one betray Jesus?
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He said one of you will betray me.

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No. Judas betrayed Jesus to the chief priest and elders.

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Jesus must have been sad that one of the 12 whom he knew for three years would betray him.

How did Judas betray Jesus at the last supper?

Judas left the supper early in order to meet with the Jewish authorities to lead them to where Jesus was so they could arrest Him. Judas showed them whom Jesus was by kissing Him in salutation as was the custom of the day.

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Jesus's 11 desciples ( not inlcluding Judas iscariiot) found out during the last supper when Jesus said one of you will betray me. everyone else found out when Jesus got put on the corss to die.

Who instituted the sacrament of Holy Eucharist?

Jesus did with his apostles at the last supper.

Why did Judas leave the last supper early?

Jesus told the disciples that one of them will betray Him. Along with some others Judas says, "Is it I?" Jesus already knowing he had already agreed to betray Him, he says, "Yes it is you." Jesus told Judas to go and do what he has already agreed to do and Judas got up and left.

What they do at the last supper?

Jesus gave the first holy communion. Take, eat, this is my body... take, drink, this is my blood... He also announced that the person putting his bread in the olive oil with him would betray him. This moment is what Leonardo captures in the famous "Last Supper".

Is it true that at the last supper Jesus instituted the passover?

Passover existed before the Last Supper, so Jesus did not institute it at the Last Supper. He was celebrating the Passover and instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper.

How will you identify Jesus in the last supper?

In every depiction of the Last Supper I have seen, Jesus is in the exact middle of the picture, usually with a hand raised in blessing, and if all the apostles (save Judas) have halos, the one over Jesus's head will usually be the largest or brightest.

Why is the last supper important to you?

It is important as it is the last meal Jesus ever had with his disciples. As well as that it was the first communion (an event still in the Christian- Catholic Church). It was the time Jesus predicted someone would betray him and someone would deny him.