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Yes. The landmark of the midbrain is the corpora quadrigemina. The corpora quadrigemina are two inferior colliculi and two superior colliculi.

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Q: In the brain that is composed of four colliculi?
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What are the functions of the superior colliculi?

They are part of the midbrain. To be more specific, these 2 superior colliculi and 2 inferior colliculi can be found at the dorsal part of the midbrain which is the tectum.

What is the function of the corpora quadrigemina?

it houses the superior and inferior colliculi; the superior colliculi is related to vision while the inferior colliculi is related to sound.

What is composed of the brain?

Brain composed of neuro cells.

What is tectum and tegmentum?

Thetegmentumis the area of the medulla that contains the cranial nerve nuclei, the nuclei of the reticular formation, the ascending tracts, and two special nuclei, the inferior olivary nucleus and the dorsal column nuclei (dorsally)Thetectum:The dorsal part of the midbrain is seen to have four elevations, named the superior and inferior colliculi. The upper ones are the superior colliculi, and they are functionally part of the visual system, a center for visual reflexes. The lower ones are the inferior colliculi, and these are relay nuclei in the auditory pathway. These colliculi form the“tectum”(a less frequently used term for these colliculi is the quadrigeminal plate). The pineal, a glandular structure, hangs down from the back of the diencephalon and sits between the colliculi.

Contains reflex centers for vision and audition in the midbrain?

2 superior colliculi - vision 2 inferior colliculi - audition

What contains reflex centers for vision and auditationin the midbrain?

Visual: Superior Colliculi and Corpa Quadrigemina Auditory: Inferior Colliculi and Corpa Quadrigemina

What are the major regions of the midbrain?

cerebral peduncles,cerebral aqueduct,tectum,corpora quadriplegia,superior colliculi,inferior colliculi, and substantia nigra

Hypothalamus is composed of what?

The hypothalamus is composed of brain tissues or neurons.

Water in the brain?

The brain is composed of 70 percent water,

What is contained in the tectum of the mesencephalon?

superior and inferior colliculi

Where is the integration center for auditory reflexes?

inferior colliculi