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I have been interested in civics since I could read. I have been a consultant for international companies and also peace talks between countries.

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Q: In cases of conflict between the provisions of an act of Congress and the provisions of a treaty which one takes precedence?
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In cass of conflict between the provisions of an act of congress and the provisions of a treaty?

the one more recently made takes precedence

Ares of conflict between congress and the president?

Refer to: What are the main causes of conflict between the President and Congress?

If there is direct conflict between a federal law and an Alaska state law?

The federal law takes precedence.

What are the main causes of conflict between the president and Congress?

Members of Congress often have ideas very different from the president about what constitutes desirable public policy.

President Johnson was impeached because of a conflict between?


Do Server options take precedence over scope options if they conflict?

Scope options override server options, so in any conflicts between option settings such as DNS servers, the scope option values take precedence.

Why do the different constituencies of the president and congress casue conflict between the executive and legislative branches?

Because it will make the President and Congress compete for power

What was a major conflict at the constitutional convention of 1787?

disagreement between the states over representation in Congress

Representative Preston Brooks's attack on Senator Charles Sumner at his desk in Congress showed what?

The increasing political conflict between north and south

What does the constitution say about which law shall predominate if there is any conflict between ls?

It says that federal laws takes precedence over a state law. This is known as the supremacy clause.

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americans who remained loyal to Britain were called what

What significant event showed the conflict that existed between president Johnson and congress?

Congress passed the civil rights act of 1866 over the President's veto.