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Q: In Virginia what was the capital in the 1600s?
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What government did Virginia have in 1600s?


What did they eat in Virginia in the 1600s?

Fruit and vegtables

In the 1600s was their gold?

YES!!!!! There was gold indeed because during the 1600s Jamestown, Virginia was abundant with gold.

Why go to Virginia in the 1600s?

Because many people thought that they would be able to make a profit out of tobacco-Hans Son (7th grade student studying Virginia in the 1600s)-

Where is the capital city located in Virginia?

West Virginia's capital city is Charleston.

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What was Virginia's capital before Washington D.C.?

Washington DC is not the capital of Virginia. The capital of Virginia is Richmond.

Is the capital of Virginia Annapolis?

No, the capital of Virginia is Richmond.

What city is the capital of Virginia?

Richmond is the capital of Virginia.

It is the capital of West Virginia?

The capital of West Virginia is Charleston.

What state has Richmond as a capital?

Richmond is the capital of Virginia

What is the capital of Norfolk VA?

Norfolk is a city in Virginia. It does not have a capital. Richmond is the capital of Virginia.