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Receipt of Social Security (versus SSI) does not relieve one of a support obligation. However, the child's allotment, if any, counts as support just as if you had paid it yourself. But a motion to modify needs to be filed. see links below

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Q: In Illinois is a person on Social Security responsible for child support payments?
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How do you revise child support payments in Illinois?

You must file for a modification in the court that issued the original order.

Can you stop your child from receiveing payments from your diablitiy benefits if they do not live with you?

If you are receiving benefits from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), child support can be taken from your SSDI payments. However, if you are receving Supplemental Security Income, that cannot be seized for child support.

Can child support take your deceased husband's social security check for child support if the child is an adult now?

Social security payments for the husband stopped upon his death. If the child is under 22 (?) and is still in school, there may be payments due to the child. If you are receiving checks on your own behalf as a widow, those checks are not subject to child support payments. You can call Social Security directly or look online for this information.

Can a person receive both child support and social security payments at the same time?

Yes, but child support received must be reported to Social Security (or it's fraud).

Can you use a dependents social security retirement payments as child support payments?

If the checks are coming to you, the money is yours to spend on the child's up keep.

If I quit or get fired will I be required to pay same amount of child support?

If you loose your employment you are still legally responsible for your child support payments.

Is husband responsible for child support payments if his wife remarrys?

Generally, yes, the child is still his child. The support payments would likely stop if the new husband adopts the child, but he can't do that unless you agree to it.

Social security payments may be paid to dependent surviving children until they are 18?

Social security payments may be made to dependent children until they are 18. true

Can social security help you get child support if the father gets disability?

No, but the child is potentially eligible for RSDI payments based on his disabled father's eligibility, and these payments would count toward the father's child support obligation.

Are the parents of a male who cannot pay his child support responsible for making the payments?

No, only the biological or legal adoptive parent is financially responsible for the care of their minor child/children.

What happens to child support payments when army father dies?

They end. The child may be entitled to Social Security benefits from the father.