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Q: In 1943 what battleship named for an African American was launched in Quincy Massachusetts?
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What state was the first state to have an all African American regiment?

Massachusetts; The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment

What was the most celebrated African American regiment of the Civil War?

54th Regiment of Massachusetts

Why was the 54th Massachusetts Infantry special?

First All African American regiment

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What were the African American soldiers who fought at forth wager called?

54th Massachusetts Regiment

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What is the significance of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?

The 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was significant because it was an African-American regiment. The regiment saw substantial service during the American Civil War.

What was 54th massachussets?

The 54th Massachusetts was the first african american regiment brought into Federal service.

What kind of troops formed the Massachusetts Regiment?

African American soldiers and a white commanding officer

Who was union soldier Samuel Cabble?

he was a african american man that servied in the Massachusetts 55th voulunteerinfantry of the army during the american civil war

Who was the first african-american civil war soldier to receive the congressional medal honor?

William Carney was the first African-American recipient for his actions on July 18, 1863 at Fort Wagner, S.C. as a member of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in the Civil War