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You don't want to eat a lot of crappy food to gain weight because then you'll feel like crap, I've been there. So start with healthy foods, make sure you get enough grains and meat. Eating veggies before everything else ensures that you don't get digestion problems. Avoid eating a lot of cow dairy products(unless yogurt) because they cause gas and bloating. Depending on whether or not you've already had some of the changes that come with the teen years, you'll probably get more of an appetite anyways because your body needs to more calories to develop. Eat when you're hungry, don't eat when you're not hungry, and stay away from caffeine because it has the opposite affect of what you want.

Stay healthy :)


^^^That's a really good answer:)

Anyway, my name is Julianna and I am 80 lbs, 5 ft. So I'm even teenier. I hate it:(

But anyway I visit a Children's Hospital once every 3 months for my weight check up. I've been gaining pretty good, considering I have a zinc defficiancy.

Anyway, I gain by drinking milk (4 glasses a day). Try to make it whole milk.

Don't stock up on junk food, that is zero calerie food. It does nothing for you. Eat lots of carbs, fruits and veggies and get as much protein as possible. Whether its a protein shake or nuts, or meat. Your body feeds on the protein so it can develop.It is also good for your hair!:)

Hope this helps.


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Q: Im 13 and 5 foot you weigh only 85 pounds how can you gain weight?
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Yes. As we go through puberty we gain weight on our bellies. Mine is 30" around, and I only weigh 8 stone! Hope I helped

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