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Q: If you take my scaly tail i grow a another without fail?
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If you take my scaly tale i grow another without fail who am i?


If you take my scaley tail i grow another without fail what am I?

You are a skink, I think.

What makes hormones that help you grow and give you energy?

Your scaly axial

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squamous cell carcinoma

Can scaly face on a budge spread to other birds in the same cage?

Yes, it can. Scaly face is contagious and needs to be properly treated or it can grow and cause other health problems. Please take your bird your vet and he will give you medication for you to use.

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Grafting branches from another tree

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What seed grow without land?

No seed can grow without land

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Yes I did an experiment and seeds can grow without soil.

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no, a plant would not grow without light

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Why green beans do not grow without soil