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Provided that it actually DID move the operation you were involved in and didn't just close it down and cease operations - - if they offered you a relocation and re-employment package and you refused it, you are probably not eligible. If they just closed down and left all the employees high and dry, you probably will qualify.

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13y ago

It depends on the state you live in and I would check with your unemployment department within your state. But if the company is moving more than 50 miles or so you should totally qualify. They cannot expect you just to up and commute 100 miles round trip daily.

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9y ago

If you voluntarily quit your job even though you are capable of performing work, you do not qualify for unemployment.

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13y ago

Most, if not all, states allow benefits if the job's relocation creates undue difficulty for the employee's commuting. Check with your state's employment security office for clarification.

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Q: If you leave your current employer to relocate to another state can you collect unemployment?
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No. You can only collect from the state that your employer paid his unemployment taxes to, the "liable" state.

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You might want to call a lawyer or whoever is giving you the unemployment benefits. My best guess is no because you are leaving the state so you must apply for unemployment benefits for the state you relocate in. Keep on striving!

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I don't think you can collect unemployment if you QUIT your job to relocate. If the company was relocating to California (or anywhere farther than 50 miles- I think), and you did not want to relocate, then I believe you can get unemployment.

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Yes California will pay you unemployment benefits if you quit your job to relocate with a spouse in order to preserve your marriage and keep in tact

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You can only collect unemployment benefits from the "liable state", where the employer paid unemployment taxes, so Missouri would not pay you benefits, as you described it.

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Depends, probably!

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you can only collect unemployment if you were fired not if you quit. They will call your employer to verify.

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No. In order to collect unemployment you have to be available, able and willing to work. Restricting yourself to weekends is not considered available,

Can a military spouse collect unemployment benefits from California if family has to relocate to another state?

Yes. See the Related Link below for full details under part "II. Eligible BB Moving after Marriage"

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You can collect unemployment after state disability if you are healthy enough to return to work, and your employer terminated your employment during your disability. The termination can not be related to your job performance.

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No. You can only collect from the "liable state" which the employer pays unemployment taxes to, which in your case is California.

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Receiving unemployment benefits is not determined by what you want to be, but by your work history, reason for leaving your employer, etc.