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It runs a risk of getting infected with whatever diseases/illnesses you do not vaccinate it again. Please, vaccinate your animals.

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Q: If you don't take your cat to get her vaccines?
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Related questions

When you get a cat from a litter do you have to get shots or what do you have to do for the cat?

There are cat vaccines (check with your vet to see the most suitable age).

What type of shots do you regularly give your cat?


How do you take care of a baby cat with no mom?

dont kill it :)

Do guinea pigs have to get vaccines?

no, guinea pigs dont need vaccines and only need to be taken to the vet when ill or injured.

Will there be enough swine flu vaccines for everyone?

apparently we dont know

Is your cat flea infested?

No, If yours is you should take it to a vet. but dont leave it outside.

I think MY cat is pregnant but I dont feel any babies?

Take her to the vets to have an ultrasound.

Why wouldn't timothy take Philip out on the reef in the cat?

because he dont like him and i dont like either lmaooo werd to my mother

How can you not get sick?

Take vaccines and medicine's.-Ms.Aki

Why doesnt your cat have a tail?

I dont have a cat

How can a viral disease be prevent?

vaccines, stay away form blood so you dont get aids, dont share bottled fluids,

How can you become a cat in one minute?

i dont think you can become cat in one minute, i, mean it would take many years to develop that kind of science.