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The birthday rule is often used to determine which plan is primary and which is secondary. Under this rule, the plan of the parent whose birthday occurs first in the calendar year is designated as primary. The date of birth is the determining factor-not the year-so it doesn't matter which spouse is older. Like most rules, the birthday rule has exceptions: * If both parents share the same birthday, the parent who has been covered by his or her plan longest provides the primary coverage for the children. * If one spouse is currently employed and has health insurance through a current employer, and the other spouse has coverage through a former employer (e.g., through COBRA), the plan belonging to the currently employed spouse would be primary. * In the event of divorce or separation, the plan of the parent with custody generally provides primary coverage. If the custodial parent remarries, the new spouse's coverage becomes secondary. And finally, the non-custodial parent's plan would provide a third layer of insurance protection. This order of payment can be altered by a court-issued divorce decree or by agreement, but the insurance companies must be notified.

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Q: If you are the custodial parent and have no health insurance but your new spouse does will your ex-husband's health insurance be primary or secondary?
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Yes, if the secondary insurance plan covers it In the pharmacy (drugs) world of primary and secondary coverage, this is true.

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You cannot decide which insurance is primary and which is secondary. Their is nothing you can do to determine this. Within each policy it specifies when each policy is primary or secondary. With Medicare, it is always going to be secondary to insurance provided by an employer or retirement plan.

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I have insurance paid for by my employer (primary) and through my husband's employer (secondary). In my experience, I have never had to pay the copay required by my primary because it is covered by my secondary. When I first got married, 2 years ago, I still paid the copay, but the doctor's office would always send me a check for the copay a month later because the secondary paid it.

As a provider i file primary insurance. do I have to also file secondary insurance after primary pays?

You should or you customer WILL be PISSED for having to do the leg work of getting the information of what the primary paid and getting it to their secondary.

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No, it's fraudulant. It's not practical, the secondary insurance should pay the remainder of the cost the primary insurance doesn't cover.