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Yes, your boyfriend can be tried and hanged for it. Also, the government will take your baby and sell it to a Chinese restaurant, where they will make chow mein out of it.

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Q: If you are pregnant and 14 can your parents get your 16 year old boyfriend in any trouble And is there any way you can have and keep the baby?
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You are 13 and you boyfriend got you pregnant can you live with your boyfriend?

No you are a minor and not an adult even though you will be a mother. Your parents are responsible for you and now your baby.

How do i tell my parents im pregnant at almost 18 parents hate boyfriend and i want my baby please help?

You're screwed.

Can my boyfriend get arrested im 14 he is 19 and I am pregnant with his baby?

yes, unless both parents are perfectly okay with it.

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Only if her parents approve.

If you are a us citizen age 18 and pregnant by your boyfriend age 21 who is an illegal alien will he get in a lot of trouble from the government when your baby is born?

The only way he can get into trouble is if he is caught in the country (being in the country illegally). He cant get in trouble for being the father of your baby. Illegal alien? O.O

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No. Your parents could press charges for even getting you pregnant. There are other they could charge the 26 year old with if you go to live with him. --- depends on the state. In Ohio, emancipation age is 17.

What should a 16year old girl do if she is pregnant by her 17year old boyfriend and the parents dont approve of him?

It's up to you. No one can make you do anything. He can't get into trouble because you both were/are underage when the conception occured. If you want the baby, that's all that matters and there are tons of people and organizations out there that will help you, should your parents kick you out or whatever

Should you tell your boyfriend that your pregnant?

Yes, its not just your baby.

Im fifteen pregnant and have religious parents who dont know yet My boyfriend is very supportive and doing all he can to help get ready for the baby How do I tell my  parents?

Your parents religious or not love you and no, they will not be happy that you are pregnant, but once over the shock your parents will more than likely support you during this emotional time in your life. You cannot keep it a secret and ask your boyfriend to go with you and sit down with your parents and tell them. This will be a heavy load off both your shoulders no matter what the reaction is from your parents. You are very lucky to have such a supportive boyfriend and that shows signs of some maturity so your parents may well see that he is a responsible young man. Your parents may suggest you continue with your education since you are probably a minor, but hopefully between your mother and boyfriend they will help you look after the baby. Please talk to your parents soon because the strain of not telling them for you and your boyfriend is much worse.

If your boyfriend is eighteen and you are sixteen having his baby can he get into trouble?

Darlin I hope so!

Your boyfriend has ADHD and you are pregnant can the baby be born with it?

yeah. just get him tested

What do you do if you are sixteen and pregnant and want the baby but boyfriend who is eighteen doesn't want the baby?

well, you have to choose between the baby and the guy...i would keep the baby and leave the boyfriend and later take him to court...