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The next most powerful OTC anti-fungal is terbinafine; brand name in the US is Lamisil.

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Q: If one was treating ringworm with butenafine hydrochloride but had an severe itching rash allergic reaction to that what other medications can one try?
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Go to the doctor. Definitely go to the doctor and do not try to take anything OTC that is related to NSAID. Even though Aleve and other medications do not say the contain ibuprofen they work the same and will trigger an allergic reaction. Be careful of aspirin too it's hidden in various medications. Do not try to treat yourself allergies are nothing to fool with it may be a mild reaction one time and a severe reaction the next.

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To get an allergic reaction you must be allergic to this food. If it enters the mouth,eyes, nose or any place that has an opening you will get the reaction.

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No, an allergic reaction will occur within 24 hours of exposure.

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youi can only stop allergic reaction with an epipen

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I suspect that anyone can develop a allergic reaction to any medication depending upon what the medication contains and what they are allergic to. If you suspect you have had a allergic reaction, see your Doctor.