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As far as I know, it is limited by the technology - it is dependent on how elaborate and sensitive detectors we are able to manufacture.

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Q: If electrons have no volume how does a electron microscope have a limit to how small it can see?
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Why are the stains on an electron microscope lead or gold?

You can look at any type of sample under an electron microscope. Depending on the sample, it can handle a certain amount of electrons on the surface (from the microscope). After this limit is reached, no image from the microscope can be obtained. This is because electrons can no longer "stick" to the sample and they start flying around crazily. Coating the sample with another substance, such as gold or lead, will allow the sample to handle a greater amount of electrons. The larger the amount of electrons on the surface, the finer the details one can obtain from their sample.

What is the resolution limit of the electron microscope?

50 picometers (pm)

What limit is placed on electrons in the Bohr model in the atom?

A shifting electron will always move from a more excited to a less excited state.

What is the limit of resolution of light microscope and that of the unaided eye?

We can hardly differentiate the four lines drawn within a one-milimeter-length (250 micrometer). Below this line lies the realm which is invisible to human unaided eye: 200-250 micrometer The resolution of the light microscope cannot be smaller than the half of the wavelength of the visible light, which is 0.4-0.7 micrometer. When we use green light (0.4 micron), we can see the objects which is, at most, about 0.2 micron (200 nanometer). Below this point, light microscope is useless, because we must use a wavelength smaller than 400 micrometer. The waves that associate the electrons has smaller wavelength. Then we can use electrons, but in an electron microscope. ahmetcorak

Why is there a limit to magnetization?

their isnt a limit because in the materiel their are electrons and so the bigger the materiel the more electrons so the stronger the magnet!

What is convergent limit in spectroscopy?

In spectroscopy, the term "convergent limit" refers to the minimum energy level that an electron in an atom can occupy. When an electron moves from a higher energy level to a lower one, it emits a photon of energy that corresponds to the difference in energy between the two levels. As the electron moves closer to the nucleus, the energy levels become closer together, and the energy required to move the electron becomes larger. At some point, the energy required to move the electron becomes so large that it is equal to the energy of a photon in the ultraviolet or X-ray range. At this point, the electron can no longer move to a lower energy level by emitting a photon, and the energy levels are said to have reached their "convergent limit." This limit is different for each atom and is determined by the size and charge of the nucleus. The convergent limit is an important concept in spectroscopy because it determines the highest energy photon that can be emitted by an atom. By analyzing the wavelengths of the emitted photons, scientists can determine the energy levels of the electrons in the atom and gain insights into its structure and properties. Overall, the convergent limit is a fundamental concept in spectroscopy that helps scientists understand the behavior of electrons in atoms and the interactions between light and matter.

What is the maximum amount of electrons that will fit an outermost shell of an atom?

5 an atom may have any number of electron shells, theoretically that is! typically, the number of electrons that you can fit on the first few electron shells are 2 on the 1st, 8 on the 2nd, 18 on the 3rd, 18 (or sometimes 32) on the 4th, usually 32 for the 5th shell... and so on... it gets complicated and there are various rules for computing the number of electrons on each shell depending on if it a gas, metal, or many other things. so, in general, the number of electron shells that an atom can have depends on the number of electrons in the atom! so the more electrons you put on an atom (whether you are making an ion, or going to bigger elements), the more electron shells it is going to have! however, you couldn't really put an infinite number of electron shells on an atom (given that you have an infinite amount of electrons). this is because the atom gets very unstable as is gets bigger. uranium-235, for example, (which has 7 electron shells, and the corresponding number of electrons and protons) is much too unstable because its nucleus has too many protons and it wants to decay into 2 smaller atoms. so, in uranium-235's case, there are simply too many protons - and the same number of electrons, and hence a lagre number of electron shells - to be stable and remain one atom. so, there is a limit to how many shells you can have, but it would depend on the stability of the atom. although, i suppose you could theoretically create an atom (in a lab) with an obscenely high number of electrons for a fraction of a second before it decayed. so in short, there is no theoretical limit, but there is a practical, dependant limit. if i had to guess as to what this real limit is for the atoms which we know, i would say it is about 7, maybe 8, but i very much doubt it.

One of the electrons farthest away from the nucleus of the atom?

Valance electrons are furthest from the nucleus.

What is the Oppenheimer limit?

The Oppenheimer Limit is actually known as the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff Limit and is related to astrophysics. The limit is similar to the Chandrasekhar limit in the sense of limits. The Chandrasekhar is the accurate limit in which electron degeneracy can no longer resist gravity of massive stars of 1.44 stellar masses or more and force the electrons into the protons to become neutrons. The Oppenheimer Limit basically states within a certain mass(Currently unknown exactly!), the neutron will break down into quarks or other subatomic particles, or collapse into a black hole.

What is the function of the scanner in microscope?

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that images a sample by scanning it with a high-energy beam of electrons in araster scan pattern. The electrons interact with the atoms that make up the sample producing signals that contain information about the sample's surfacetopography, composition, and other properties such as electrical conductivity.The types of signals produced by an SEM include secondary electrons, back-scattered electrons (BSE), characteristic X-rays, light (cathodoluminescence), specimen current and transmitted electrons. Secondary electron detectors are common in all SEMs, but it is rare that a single machine would have detectors for all possible signals. The signals result from interactions of the electron beam with atoms at or near the surface of the sample. In the most common or standard detection mode, secondary electron imaging or SEI, the SEM can produce very high-resolution images of a sample surface, revealing details less than 1 nm in size. Due to the very narrow electron beam, SEM micrographs have a large depth of field yielding a characteristic three-dimensional appearance useful for understanding the surface structure of a sample. This is exemplified by the micrograph of pollen shown to the right. A wide range of magnifications is possible, from about 10 times (about equivalent to that of a powerful hand-lens) to more than 500,000 times, about 250 times the magnification limit of the best light microscopes. Back-scattered electrons (BSE) are beam electrons that are reflected from the sample by elastic scattering. BSE are often used in analytical SEM along with the spectra made from the characteristic X-rays. Because the intensity of the BSE signal is strongly related to the atomic number (Z) of the specimen, BSE images can provide information about the distribution of different elements in the sample. For the same reason, BSE imaging can image colloidal gold immuno-labels of 5 or 10 nm diameter which would otherwise be difficult or impossible to detect in secondary electron images in biological specimens. Characteristic X-rays are emitted when the electron beam removes an inner shell electron from the sample, causing a higher energy electron to fill the shell and release energy. These characteristic X-rays are used to identify the composition and measure the abundance of elements in the sample.

What is the functions of the scanner in the microscope?

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a type of electron microscope that images a sample by scanning it with a high-energy beam of electrons in araster scan pattern. The electrons interact with the atoms that make up the sample producing signals that contain information about the sample's surfacetopography, composition, and other properties such as electrical conductivity.The types of signals produced by an SEM include secondary electrons, back-scattered electrons (BSE), characteristic X-rays, light (cathodoluminescence), specimen current and transmitted electrons. Secondary electron detectors are common in all SEMs, but it is rare that a single machine would have detectors for all possible signals. The signals result from interactions of the electron beam with atoms at or near the surface of the sample. In the most common or standard detection mode, secondary electron imaging or SEI, the SEM can produce very high-resolution images of a sample surface, revealing details less than 1 nm in size. Due to the very narrow electron beam, SEM micrographs have a large depth of field yielding a characteristic three-dimensional appearance useful for understanding the surface structure of a sample. This is exemplified by the micrograph of pollen shown to the right. A wide range of magnifications is possible, from about 10 times (about equivalent to that of a powerful hand-lens) to more than 500,000 times, about 250 times the magnification limit of the best light microscopes. Back-scattered electrons (BSE) are beam electrons that are reflected from the sample by elastic scattering. BSE are often used in analytical SEM along with the spectra made from the characteristic X-rays. Because the intensity of the BSE signal is strongly related to the atomic number (Z) of the specimen, BSE images can provide information about the distribution of different elements in the sample. For the same reason, BSE imaging can image colloidal gold immuno-labels of 5 or 10 nm diameter which would otherwise be difficult or impossible to detect in secondary electron images in biological specimens. Characteristic X-rays are emitted when the electron beam removes an inner shell electron from the sample, causing a higher energy electron to fill the shell and release energy. These characteristic X-rays are used to identify the composition and measure the abundance of elements in the sample.

What allows the user of a microscope to limit the amount of light from a steady light source?
