

If I'm 5'3 right now age 14 will i still grow taller?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Yes you have a few more years to go.

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Q: If I'm 5'3 right now age 14 will i still grow taller?
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How do people get taller?

You grow by your age

How can you grown taller at age of 18?

Buy the grow taller 4 idiots guide!!

I am 17 yr old boy and my height is only 5'6 will l still grow?

Yes, it's quite likely that you will still grow taller until you reach the age of around 21.

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Yes you can. Puberty may have finished for girls by 17 but boys can still be growing. Most boys will still be in puberty at 17 and growing.

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why not,surely he will grow,if he do the exercise and maintain a proper diet

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They grow from birth to about one year of age. After that they only gain or lose weight.

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Will you grow any taller than what you are at age thirteen and four feet eleven inches?

Most people do not stop growing at age 13, so it's extremely probable that you will become taller.

Can a girl grow after her period?

yes a girl can grow taller i know girls who have told me and yes i am a guy they had ther first period at the age of 7 and they are now 5'6 which is 3 inches taller than me

Can you grow taller after 22 years old?

Most people stop growing after age 17, and nearly all have stopped growing after age 18-19. Anyone who is still growing at age 22 probably has some kind of growth disorder, such as acromegaly.

Can a 14-year-old grow taller than 6'?

It would be extremely unusual to be that tall at that age.