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Maybe so they could do different jobs? Men do the things you need strength to do and women do more caring thing.

The traditional family was created to directly mimic the Trinity. The man represents the Father, the woman the Son, and the children the Holy Spirit. Both the man and the Father have leadership roles, though neither is greater than the others in the group. Both the woman and the Son (Jesus) are equal to the man and Father in importance, but willfully submit to them without degradation to maintain order. I've heard it stated that just as the children are begotten of the man and woman, so is the Holy Spirit eternally begotten of the Father and Son. Remember, in the Trinity, there is no actual reproductive functionality. This was given to physical beings as a way of creating more of themselves without God's constant direct involvement. To be eternally begotten means that the Holy Spirit is dependent on the Father and Son for existence, just like a child to the parents. Long explanation short, humans were created in the image of God, so having a triune unit such as the family is just one facet of that nature. On a physical note, yes, men and women are different to complete different tasks such as providing and leading or nurturing and supporting, but the design has much deeper spiritual roots.

The things in heaven St.Paul wrote , whether I was in spirit or body and went to the third heaven where padadice is , it was unlawful to speak of those things which his friend saw. The Book of Enoch expresses an heavenly order before the creation of darkness and then He created darkness and out of the darkness God created Gen 1:1 KJV. He created male and female to mulitply. A woman has her organs to substain life and man to give her the seed. Just as God gives us His increase dailey,for us to love God with their heart soul and mind. I hope my two fold answer helps you.

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1) To test us. 2) That's what makes life interesting.

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Is there evidence for Creation?

Can you show that God exists?

Seeing God's wisdom

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Q: If God meant for men and women to be together why did he create them so different from one another?
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