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No,your puppy also does not get hurt,grow,or reproduce.They stay babies forever!

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Q: I saw a game that is nintendogs on the computer and you have to kill on that game. Are there any of those games for sale?
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How do you finish Nintendogs plus cats by cheating?

You can't really have an ending on a game like nintendogs plus cats. This game is what is known as a simulation game. Most simulation games don't have an ending.

Can you beat Nintendogs on Nintendo DS?

No, it is not possible to beat the game. It is one of those games that seem to be never ending. Since there is no levels, or anything, and it's a life based game, it doesn't have an ending.

How do you tell your Nintendogs game id?

Nintendogs Game ID

What dogs do Nintendogs have?

Nintendogs has different games with different types of dogs on them. Such as the Labrador & Friends game, which has Miniature Pinscher, Shiba Inu, and much more.

How do you put dogs in a cage in Nintendogs?

You can't do this in Nintendogs as there are no cages in this game. A cage? I think you mean those things called kennels or something, but even so, no, you can't.

What is the Nintendo DS game with the puppies?

The game you're talking about is called Nintendogs. It was one of the first games released for the Nintendo DS.

Is Nintendogs and Cats a game for boys?

There are no gender-specific aspects to Nintendogs.

How much will gamestop give you for a used Nintendogs game?

Gamestop gives you 20% of any games original value.

Is there a game where you can be a dog?


Can you save data on Nintendogs?

Yes you can! I own that game, i have Nintendogs lab and friends.

Is Nintendogs on any other game system?

No, nintendogs is exclusive to the Nintendo DS

Is Nintendogs popular?

I do not know why you ask, but the answer is YES, Nintendogs is VERY popular, being one of the most successful Nintendo DS games to hit the market. I own it, and so do many of my friends. It is an awesome game!