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Also, pranking at school is a bad idea. There will always be those people who find out and "tell on you". But, if you doprank her back, best way to make a girl feel bad is to make her paranoid.

P.S. I'm a teenage girl, it works. Only do something like this if you want to be the school jerk.

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Q: I need some good pranks revenge ideas for this girl who has been harsh to me and my friend we want to prank her while we are at school but we cant get caught plz dont tell me that pranking her is mean?
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Is pranking a way to annoy?

Yes, pranks are generally quite annoying. Pranks were actually made to annoy. Peace. I'm out

Where can you find the best pranks?

The best pranks are found in various online forums dedicated to pranking people for fun. Other places to find the best pranks include Youtube and other file sharing websites.

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you do many pranks you think and when he has enough stop

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what i think is a good pranks to do with a tooth brush is......... put salt on the tooth brush, pour vinegar on the toothbrush, if 2 people in your house have the same color toothbrush switch out the brushes, leave it out side for a day i hope this helped, happy pranking

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There are many places to find ideas for pranks on telemarketers. Some prank ideas include, pretending to be hard of hearing, asking 'why?' for every question they ask, saying yes or no to everything they ask and pretending you are the one being pranked. There is no known legal punishment for pranking a telemarketer.

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you would get in trouble anyway because if you have developmental disabilities you wouldn't waste your time pranking people. from R.Q.

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look in the window with a clown mask on....

You can watch people sleep on YouTube?

yes you can and you can also see people pull pranks. By, a friend

Are pranks funny?

Pranks are hilarious. When on is really funny you tend to be laghing at yourself but you should never talk a prank to far. You have try one on ur friend, brother, sister, teacher somebody!

If puck likes her why does he alawys prank her?

Because he likes her! Boys around that age (11 or 12-ish) always tease and prank the girls they like. Of course he doesn't want her to figure out that he likes her, so he pranks her even more than he pranks other people. Plus, he's Puck. He's been pranking people for thousands of years, and he is most certainly not going to stop now! :D