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I am unaware of any herbal or natural supplements that will be useful in detoxifying the body during opiate withdrawal. Most current protocols for detox include using similar but less addicting opiates (as methadone or Suboxone) to taper the body down from its dependence on these substances, and benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan) or clonidine may also be used to minimize physiologic symptoms of withdrawal. These are all done under medical supervision in a clinic environment, in case of seizures or cardiac complications.

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Q: I need help on something i can take for opiate withdrawls that help and i want it to be herbal is there anything that will burn the drugs out of my system?
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klonadine is a prescription drug used for opiate withdrawls as well as benzo withdrawls

What is the herbal form of the drug oxcycotin?

There is not a herbal form of Oxcycodone. It is a synthetic opiate and manufactured.

Is soboxen are methaodone better?

They're both completely different drugs. Both used for withdrawls(ie heroine) --but methadone is also a pain killer. (opiate) where as soboxone is not. It's sole purpose is to counter act your withdrawls.

Will nutmeg help with withdrawls?

Instead of spending an hour explaining why or why not nutmeg will cure your ailment, refer to this guide on how to endure opiate withdrawls. Isn't opiate withdraw real cool. For some reason everyone says they spend a lot of time in the restroom. lol

Would naproxen 500mg help with pain from opiate withdrawls?

i don't know but i am about to take 1000 mg naproxen. not otc its the kind proscribed from a doctor. i'll let ya know soon.

Can you take one methadone pill and one vicodin together?

If you want to, yes. But the methadone is a much more potent opiate than Vicodin. If you are taking an adequate dose of methadone, then it is likely that all your opiate receptors in your brain are full. That is, in fact, the point of taking methadone. If they are, then you probably won't "feel" anything from the Vicodin. If you are not taking an adequate dose of methadone, then the Vicodin will help with pain/opiate withdrawls/whatever you are taking it for. It is important to add that if you take the Vicodin with methadone, or any long acting/extended release opiate, that you are still increasing your chances of respiratory depression(the #1 risk of taking too many pain-killers or benzodiazopenes) EVEN IF you do not "feel" the effects from the Vicodin.

Is it safe to take skelaxin if opiate addiction is in someones past?

Skelaxin isn"t an opiate, but be careful about taking anything that can become habit-forming.

What pain medication will break through methadone 190mgs?

Well, no opiate-based pain medication will. Because methadone is an opiate, and because 190mg's is so much, there is no way any other opiate will be able to get through to the opioid receptors with that much methadone. You will have to take something for pain that is not opiate-based.

Does Suboxone help cover up opiates on a drug screen?

Absolutely the contrary will take place in that Suboxone will completely displace the opiates out of your system within one day. This stuff is a miracle drug for those serious about beating their demons with opiates as there will be zero withdrawls on day one.

How can you get some sleepIm on day 8 cold turkey off 120mg of vicodin?

you can try a few Tylenol pm and just hang in a recovering opiate addict and there is nothing worse than the withdrawls from pain meds.......have you ever heard of suboxone...saved my life

What happens if you take Oxycontin while going through suboxone withdrawals?

No, you will not go into withdrawls, however, it would be a waste of Diluadid since Suboxone is an opiod-blocker and keeps you from getting high off of any opiate. But if you were taking Dilaudid and then immediately began taking Suboxone, THAT would cause you to go into withdrawls.

Can you take percocet and suboxone?

yes cause the percocet will not effect u the suboxon is designed to help additcs get over heroin and oxy cotton and serious pain med addictions...ithe suboxon doesnt allow those type of drugs to effect you so u can take it but it would be POINTLESS....