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You breathe and you wait.

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We can get rid by doing exercise

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tum tum tum tum tum

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Q: How do you relieve lactic acid build up?
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Why is the build up of lactic acid painful?

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What chemical build up causes muscle fatigue and muscle cramps?

Lactic Acid.

Muscles become sore after the build up of this?

Lactic acid created during a process of "lactic acid fermentation."

What are the effects of anearobic respiration on the myocardium?

build up of lactic acid

Does gender effect the accumulation of lactic acid?

Research shows that gender has no effect on the accumulation of lactic acid. The build up of lactic acid depends on the intensity or amount of exercise being performed.

Which process causes athletes to experience a burning sensation in their muscles?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

What is decreased force due to lactic acid build up and low ATP?


Why is lactic acid a problem?

The build-up of lactic acid in muscle tissue during strenuous exercise being actually a common cause of muscle cramps. This happens from insufficient oxygen not being able to oxidize lactic acid, which would otherwise get rid of it from muscle. Inosine and Creating supplements also help as preventive remedies to reduce the build-up of lactic acid in muscle

What muscles are overworked soreness is caused by a buildup of what?

when soreness occurs, it is because of a build-up of lactic acids.

Why do your legs burn when you run a 3 mile race?

It's a build up of lactic acid. The muscles cannot process the waste products (from rapid exercising) quickly enough, and this builds up in the tissues as lactic acid. Eventually the levels get so high that the muscles seize-up.

What substance causes muscle fatigue?

Lactic acid that builds up in the muscle cells

What acid builds up in your body when you exercise too much?

lactid acid build up occurs when muscles do not get enough oxygen