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Stephenie Meyer was inspired by an erotic dream in which a human girl falls in love with a vampire.

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Q: I've heard ALL kinds of answers but does someone know the truth about what inspired Stephenie Meyer to write Twilight?
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Did someone say they wrote twilight instead of Stephenie Meyer?

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I can tell you where to find the original chapter. Stephenie Meyer ( the author of the twilight series) posted what she had done of Midnight Sun on her website click on the twilight series then twilight and it should be in there somewhere.

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There may be someone out there called Jacob Black, but no, the Twilight character is not real. Same with Edward Cullen and Jessica Stanley and Bella Swan. It's possible that their names are the same but they are not. So in the twilight sense.... no. he is not real. He is a fictional character in the Twilight Saga books by Stephenie Meyer. I suppose the closest thing we have to Jacob Black are Stephenie Meyer and Taylor lautner. He is alive, in every Twi-hard's heart.

Will there be anymore books in the twilight series?

No there wont. Stephenie Meyer was working on midnight sun but it was put onto the internet by someone before she got to finish it so she decided not to publish it.

Is there more than 4 twilight movies?

There are 4 twilight saga books but not all movies are out yet. Like Twilight and new moon movies are out but eclipse is coming out on the 30th of June 2010 and breaking dawn a little later. Stephenie Meyer might write another twilight saga book but maybe not because someone illegally posted it on the Internet too early. Anyway if you want to read the first chapter of the 5th book called midnight sun then go to Hope it answers your question! :)

Is there a fifth Twilight saga?

There Was A Book Suposed To Come Out (Midnight Sun-The First Book ,Twilight, But In Edward Point Of View) But Someone Posted The First Few Chapter On The Internet And Stephenie Meyer Wasnt Happy So We Dont Know If She Is Going tO Finish The Book :/

Will there be more books by Stephenie Meyer with edward and Bella in them?

Possibly Midnight Sun, if she decides to publish it. Otherwise, probably not. Although she did say once that the Twilight Saga is completed, but she might come back to the Twilight world and write someone else's story. Bella and Edward's are finished.

What is a good book for a 22-year-old?

You should try the Twilight Saga. Very well written, and just right for someone who is 22. You'll immediatly love Stephenie Meyer. Twilight is more for pre-teens actually. Here's a link to some more adult books.

Download the twilight series in pdf format?

You have to buy the books. It is illegal for someone to post works that aren't theirs online. It's copyright; Unless Stephenie Meyer herself posts her books on her website, which she hasn't.

Ok did someone ask Stephenie Meyers when is Stephenie Meyers when is Rosalie hales birthday from the saga of twilight month day and year when is Rosalie hales birthday month day and year steph?

First of all, what kind of question is this! Second, I'm going to guess an answer to this ridiculously impossible question, the answer is YES! P.S: Work on your question phrasing and forming, not to mention your grammar!

When is the new twilight series coming out in 2011?

You mean like the one in Edwards view ? Well that isn't coming out cuz someone leaked it out to the Internet without Stephenie Meyers permission, you can read it on called midnight sun hope this helps ^_^