

Best Answer

If you really, really want to know there's always DNA-testing.

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Q: How will you know if you were really a child of your parents?
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How do you make a good impression when its the first time you are meeting the parents?

parents really find it respectful when their child's boyfriend/girlfriend is very involved. Boys, have a firm handshake for your future father. Bonding with the parents really shows you are devoted to their daughter or son. Most parents like to know their child's spouse and understand their interests. In all, it is just very important that you show appreciation and devotion, get to know his or her parents and try to bond with them, if you really care about their daughter or son.

Can taco be a name?

Of course it can be! If you really like the name, you can use it. I know a child named Candy because their parents thought she was sweet as candy.

Should parents have online access to their child grades?

Yes of course. Parents are paying for their child's education it is their prerogative to know how their child is doing in school

Why is child a surprising word?

cuz there really precious too there parents

Does a three year old child know how to behave?

Not really. They are learning and following the example and training they get from their parents, but until they reach 5 or 6, they are going to be unpredictable. Love the child the way it suppose to be love.

Do two ugly parents make a beautiful child?

No genetics show that two ugly parents will make a really really ugly child. Its said that two uglies= beautiful child and two prettys= ugly child. Its not entirely true but it does happen, often a little bit though.

Can a child at age 17 leave the parents?

That would be called "divorcing" the parents. Yes,you can..if its for a good cause..not a selfish stupid one. if youre being abused or something of that sort..but hell i dont really know.

Why do kids lie to their parents?

so the parents would not know what or how they did the thing that they really did.

The parents treats the children in accordance with his place in the family and soon the child recognizes that place.Paraphrase this sentence in two ways?

You could say "the parents treat the child good and the child know it's place". Another way is " The child know it's place in the family due to the parents treating him that way." Another way is " the parents treat the kids how they were born in that order".

Can 2 Rh parents have a Rh- child?

No, it can't happen. if one of the parents or both are +, the child will be Positive. I don't know if 2 negatives can have a positive. But i do know that if one of the parents is positive and the other is negative, you can have a either a positive or negative child. (I have twins, one is negative and the other is positive.)

How will you develop qualities of sharing and caring of child?

You show your child by modeling. What you want your child to know you teach through your actions. Children learn more by watching what people say and do than any other way and this is really true with parents. They copy you.

What is a child that call his parents by their first name?

by saying "what is a child?" i really don't understand but if kids call their parents by their first name,,maybe that is because they feel really respectful of their parents or maybe it means that the child dislikes their parents.I would be able to tell if it's either good or bad by their behavior,,,,hope ur child doesn't dislike u ^^