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go look at wikipedia hahahhahaha

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Q: How was the immigration restriction act introduced to Australia?
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When was the White Man Bill introduced?

The basis of the White Australia policy was the immigration restriction act of 1901

How and why was the immigration restriction act of 1901 introduced?

it was iafsaf

How did Immigration Restriction Act 1901 restrict immigration?

It was introduced into Australia because Australians wanted to keep Australia all white. This immigration restriction act would let the government have control of all the immigration to Australia. From the Immigration restriction act, a dictation test was developed to prevent non-whites into the country. This Dictation test was often 50 words from a scientific text book ( meaning that it would feature hard to spell scientific words). This passage that was dictated by the immigration officer was in any European language. If a immigrant somewhat passes, then the officer would give the test again in a different language until it would pass. The immigrants were usually pacific islanders & asians.

What is the Immergration restriction act?

the immergration restriction act also known as the wight Australia policy was a dictation test to stop people coming to Australia

Which term is the name of a restriction on immigration passed by congress?

The Chinese Exclusion Act

When was the immigration restriction act 1901 introduced?

Enacted in probably know why. Southern and Eastern Europeans, including Jews, were coming in droves -- my grandparents included as well as my son's father's grandparents. Hoped to stem the tide and keep America more homogeneous.

Why was the Australian rabbit introduced?

Rabbits were introduced to Australia to act as a food source for colonists.

What is another name for the white Australia policy?

I'm pretty sure the proper name of the main document is the Immigration Restriction Act 1901. That's what I was told in history class, so I'm assuming it to be true. Hope this helps :)

When did Anti-Coolie Act happen?

The Anti-Coolie Act, also known as the Chinese Immigration Act, was passed in the United States in 1882. It specifically targeted Chinese immigrants and imposed significant restrictions on their entry and citizenship eligibility. The act marked the first major restriction on immigration based on nationality in US history.

Immigration act of 1990 benefits what?

the Immigration act of 1990 benefits

What altered America's quotas system?

the passage of the Immigration and nationality act

Chinese Exclusion Act?

1882, Federal legislation that prohibited most further Chinese immigration to the United States. This was the first major legal restriction on immigration in U.S. history.