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They were considered as individual people and they were the ones that enjoyed true freedom even thought they relied on soldiers and traders to live

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Q: How was life for the rich in ancient Greece?
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it an ancient contrey

What is life like in ancient Greece today?

Ancient Greece doesnt exist anymore. Thats why its called ancient:) Life in normal Greece is, well, normal!

Which ancient civilization grew rich by taxing the trade in salt and gold?

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Houses in Ancient Greece usually consisted of Mud brick, but they could be made of stone if the owner of the house was wealthy.

How do you use the word patrician in a sentence?

The patricians were rich nobles in ancient greece.

What is the name of the government that is ruled by a few rich families in ancient Greece?

The rule of the few is called Oligarchy. However, this does not necessarily mean rule by the rich, which is Plutocracy.

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In ancient Greece, regions were organized into city-states.

How many rich people were there in ancient Greece?

over 300,000 after The Great Peloponesian War

How did rich people get around in ancient Greece?

Rich people in ancient greece were able to buy cloths that were made out of cotton and silk. These two types were really expense so only the rich people wore it and not the other people.

What did the ancient Greece women do?

They did household work. They were in charge of taking care of their children. Women had a sorry life in Ancient Greece.

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This does not belong in the category "Ancient Greece".

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food homes and life and of corse chikens