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hieroglyhics writing is different from our writing today because our writing is based on the alphabet and theis is not

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Q: How was hieroglyhics writing different from your writing today?
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What is hieroglyhics?

Hieroglyph are pictures that stand for different words or sounds

How was hieroglyph writing different from writing today?

Hieroglyphics writing is pictures and todays is in letters

What is Egyptian writing called and how is it different from ours today?

it is called hieroglyphics. it is a form of picture writing

How is hieroglyphic writing different from today's writing?

It was pictograms which depicted syllables. We use alphabetic writing which males the sounds clear.

Did Greeks use hieroglyhics?

No, instead they created the first genuine alphabet.

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it had picture symbols and ours today has no picture symbols. it different from cuneiform becuse cuneiform has more lettter symbols thhen picture

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Writing helped civilization to flourish in many different ways for instance it helped communication to get to different places.Writing is still used today in many different ways including newspapers,traffic signs,etc.

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Writing helped civilization to flourish in many different ways for instance it helped communication to get to different places.Writing is still used today in many different ways including newspapers,traffic signs,etc. Rate This Answer

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It helped create the writing we have today

How is business writing different form expository writing?

it is different from expository writing because expository writing is not as formal

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