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There are two types: those that use gravity such that the balls drop out the bottom of the tombola and those that use air to force balls out of the top of tombola. Both may employ rotating arms spinning in opposite directions to thoroughly mix the balls. The balls themselves are weighed and calibrated so that the ball with number 1 is the same weight as 88 (the amount of paint in the number can affect the weight slightly).

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Q: How the lottery number machine works?
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No - simply because the numbers are drawn at random - using a machine that humans cannot exert control over. Once started, the lottery machine 'spits out' the required number of balls without being able to exert any influence over which ones are chosen.

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Since you do not identify where the Rajshree lottery is held, I have no way of participating in it. Therefore, I have no lucky number in the Rajshree lottery. In the New York State Lottery, however, my lucky number 49.

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