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According to Greek mythology, Achilles was said to be around 19 years old when he went to war in the Trojan War. However, it is important to note that different sources may provide slightly different ages for Achilles.

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Several attempts have been made to reconcile the various data of the Iliad, but they are contradictory. So we cannot really say.

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Q: How old was Achilles when he went to war?
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What was Achilles's purpose?

Achilles' purpose was that Odysseus went to get him from king priam to fight in the Trojan War. Which he did until he left

How old was Achilles during Trojan war?

he was about 15 when the Trojan war started and it lasted around 9 years so near the end of the war Achilles was 24

When did Hector die in the Trojan war?

It is believed that Hector died in a duel with Achilles, in the tenth year of the Trojan War. Achilles first stabbed Hector in the shoulder. Hector fell to his knees and Achilles went for his final stab in Hector's stomach. (This was all after a long fight between them that went for some time). After Hector had died, Achilles tied Hector's feet to Achilles' carriage and ridded off with Hector's dead body dragging behind him.

Why does Thetis agree to help Achilles?

Achilles is her son. Thetis was by prophesy destined to bear a son greater than his father (Peleus); Achilles was also prophesied to die if he went to fight in the Trojan war.

What was Achilles demigod of?

Achilles was the demigod of war.

When did Achilles stop the Trojan War?

Achilles was killed before the war stopped.

How old was Odysseus when he became king?

Quite young. About the same age as Achilles when he started fighting in the Trojan war. Achilles was about 18 - 24 years old. Odysseus was perhaps a little older.

Did Particles fight in the Trojan war?

Yes, he was a warrior in his own right before the war as well, as Achilles's cousin, he grew up fighting. He even went as far in the Trojan War as to impersonate Achilles and Hector didn't realize it wasn't Achilles until after it was to late. Hector of Troy stabbed him in battle and ended up giving him a warriors death.

How old was Achilles when he fought in the Trojan War?

According to Apollodorus Achilles was 15 when they set off at the first gathering at Aulis which was 8 years before the Trojan War proper and 17 years before the end of the 9th year of the war, so Achilles was at least 32 when he died. But if you accept Apollonius' account of Achilles being born at the time of the voyage of the Argo then he was about 62.

Are Achilles and Aphrodite similar?

Not that I know of. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, Achilles was a great hero in the Trojan War. They never crossed paths, although they are connected in the way that Aphrodite gave Paris the most beautiful woman in Greece, Helen. This basically started the Trojan War, and Achilles went to fight and die in it. Hope this helped?

According to achilles who has no peer in war among achaean captains?

According to Achilles he himself has no peer in war among Archaean captains. Achilles was a Greek god and hero of the Trojan War.