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every day when they arent sleeping or eating

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12y ago

Ladybugs usually lay there eggs in the summer. My ladybug laid 6 eggs

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Do boy ladybugs lay eggs?


Do ladybugs have babies?

No, they lay eggs.

Do ladybugs have a bellybutton?

No, ladybugs lay eggs which means that there is no ambelical cord.

How do ladybugs have babies?

Insects lay eggs and then leave them.

Do ladybugs lay eggs by themselves?


How long do ladybugs carry their baby's?

Ladybirds (ladybugs) lay eggs, they don't carry their young.

Do male ladybugs eat the female eggs that they lay?

No they do not in my mind.

Where do ladybugs have babies?

Ladybugs don't have babies. They lay eggs, usally under a leaf of in a clustr of leaves. The eggs are tiny and are an yellowish-orangish color.

Does a ladybird lay eggs?

Yes,a Lady Bird does lay eggs in fact it lays three eggs one at a time

Where are ladybugs born?

Lady bugs are sexually reproducing insects, with the females laying up to 300 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs hatch into larvae, and then feed on aphids which turn them into pupae. The pupae then emerge as adults.

Do ladybugs have to mate to breed?

Mate and breed means the same thiing. They must mate in order to lay eggs that will hatch into more ladybugs. This applies to almost ALL animals.

Do fishes lay eggs a-lot?

They lay lots of eggs - but not very often (once a year is common).