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Vaccine protocols differ based upon the exact vaccine given as well as the individual cat's health and the clinic's standing practices. There are two major protocols: annually and triennually. The annual protocol starts with one or two vaccines as a kitten, a booster at one year and then a booster every year thereafter. The triennual protocol starts with one or two vaccines as a kitten, a booster at one year then a booster every three years thereafter.

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10y ago
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14y ago

Cats are routinely immunized yearly along with any booster shots necessary .

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12y ago

Kittens need two initial vaccinations - one at nine weeks old, and the second one several weeks after that, usually at twelve weeks old.

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When should you get your kitten vaccinated?

Kittens usually begin their vaccines at around 9 weeks of age. They receive their second set of vaccines when 12 weeks until they have a total of two sets of vaccinations. The first of these final vaccines primes the kitten's matured immune system, while the final set provides immunity for a year.

When to inoculate kittens?

it is recommended that you socialize them at a young age so they know how to deal with other kittens.

How old do hamster have to be in order to sell?

Well, you should be looking to sell when the kitten is NO YOUNGER than 9-12 weeks as this is when the kittens are ready for their first vaccinations. The first vaccinations need to be done before they go to new homes.

Do four week old kittens still need milk?

Kittens need their mother's milk for at least 8 weeks.The answer to your question is yes.

How big do kittens need to be to have proper cat food?

they need to be around 6-8 months old.

What vaccinations to chickens and roosters need?

Unless it's a very special chicken they don't need vaccinations.

Do you need vaccinations for Caribbean?


What causes crusted eyes are 5 week old kittens?

Kittens naturally get goop in their eyes; you just need to keep wiping their tear ducts regularly. If the goop seems exessive, take the kittens to a vet.

How many vaccinations does an 11 year old have to take at their physical appointment?

They need their 6 in one and rabies once a year.

Do you need vaccinations for Singapore and Hong Kong?

Yes you do need vaccinations for Singapore and Hong Kong because you can get a vary harmful disses

How old should your cat be before she can have kittens?

About 2 years old. But is best to spay her. Female cats do not need to have a litter first.

Why is catnip potentially harmful to kittens?

Catnip in small amounts is not dangerous to kittens. However, newborns and very young kittens do not need exposure to catnip. Wait until they teens--after 6 months old.