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It's as big or as small as you want it to be because it's only a story,

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Although many people have claimed to have seen the Loch Ness Monster, there is no scientific proof that it exists.

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No one knows. She might not even be real.

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Q: What is the adult size of the loch ness monster?
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What is the size of the Loch Ness monster?

The so called Loch Ness monster has never been found despite several scientific explorations of Loch Ness. So, even if it exists, no one knows its size.

How many babies can a Loch Ness monster have?

In the movie 'Water Horse', a Loch Ness monster could only have one baby at a time. The lake size would probably determine the number of Nessies.

When was the loch ness monster sighted?

The first sighting of the Loch Ness Monster was in March 1933 by a passing couple named Mr. and Mrs. John Mackay. They parked their car and saw something big, black, and shiny make huge waves the size of a ship would make.

What is the name of the town which is closest to loch ness?

The largest village on the shores of Loch Ness is Foyers. The nearest city of any considerable size is Inverness, to the northeast of Loch Ness.

Is the Loch Ness monster harmful?

There have been ancient stories through the centuries of long necked monsters resembling the Loch Ness monster through the world and many stories of them attacking ships. It is unclear on whether these are true. In 503 AD a Scottish monk witnessed the monster kill and eat a man. The monk shouted ( You Will go kill no more, you will go back.) Many believe the Lochness monster to be a reminant of the dinosaurs. Known as the Pleisosuar, the creature matched the exact size and shape of the Loch Ness monster and the re-discovery of so called 'extinct' creatures alive and well has not been uncommon in recent years. The possibility of a small population existing is quite possible.

The Loch Ness Monster plus teories?

the loch ness monster (known as nessie) is a dragon like creature that lives in alarge lake in the north of scotland. it is unknown to be real or a myth,people have tried to take pictures of nessie and have failed. some have tried to show proof with fake pictures and they have failed aswell. an eye witness says that nessie is longer or just the same size as a school bus!nessie can live in or out of the water and has been seen minimum amount of times.

Why doesn't the Loch Ness Monster exist?

People tend not to believe in the Loch Ness Monster because nobody has produced credible proof in real life that it exists. Sure, there have been photographs of body parts sticking up out of the sea, but there is no telling what creatures they belong to. Other photos show a blurry creature, but the photos are too bad to authenticate or even make out what is in them. So therefore, in the minds of many, it's not real.

How big are the Loch Ness monster's eyes?

That would depend on the overall size of the creature. But a plesiosaur, a marine dinosaur considered extinct, would match some of the descriptions of Nessie, and they ranged from 5 to 40 feet in length. For the largest known head size, about 9 feet, the eyes would have been around 1 foot in diameter.

Is there really a loch ness monster?

ANSWER 1I would love to, but as of yet no real evidence exists that can't be explained as other things.ANSWER 2Yes. Actually i did a project on her. I had to come up with lots of evidence that she is real.ANSWER 3Yes. I believe in her and I think there is a whole family of them down there.

How would you protect yourself from the loch ness monster?

It would depend on its size. If it were only a small creature (say the size of a human) then it would be easiest to just hit it on the nose or eyes - as is recommended for shark attacks. If it were any larger, your only hope would be getting out of the water as fast as possible. Other strategies would be to remain calm and let it swim away, or to carry a stungun or harpoon for safety.

Why do some people believe that the loch ness monster is actually a plesiosaur?

The arguments against the existance of the loch ness monster as a plesiosaur are plentiful.For example,a plesiosaur could not live in the frigid waters of loch ness.A single plesiosaur living in loch ness for centuries?Ridiculous.It would have to be a breeding population of them and to prevent inbreeding you would need a HUGE population.Loch Ness couldn't possibly support such a large population, size wise alone.They would need a food supply and the loch couldn't possibly hold that many fish.A large population of plesiosaurs would have easily been spotted by now as they would have to come up for air frequently.Some suggest tunnels that lead from the loch to the ocean and these creatures regularly go back and forth.If that was the case,the loch's water would be the same level as the Atlantic ocean.That's not the case.The vast majority of marine creatures can only survive in salt or fresh water.A salmon can live in both types of water,but that's about the only marine animal that can do so.That's one in thousands of water dwelling species.Salmon are just about the only exception to this rule.A baby whale got stuck in the Delaware river somehow and people were scrambling for a way to get it back to sea, as the fresh water was harming the whale's skin.Also, a plesiosaur carcass has never washed up on shore.With that many dinosaurs living in a lake,that would definitely have happened by now.

Desribe the Mokele-Mbembe?

The Mokele-Mbembe is said to be a water dwelling animal around fifteen to thiry feet in size. It is said to resemble a Sauropod (long necked dinosaur) and live in the unexplored regions of the Congo Basin. There aren't very many exact descriptions of what it looks like but, imagine something along the lines of the Loch Ness Monster, long neck, triangular head, smooth shiny skin. How this helps!!