

How much does the italian Rosetta stone cost?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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the italian rosetta stone costs around 250 dollars per lesson and there are 4 lessons total. it is a highly prestigious program that is recommended by many businesses worldwide

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Q: How much does the italian Rosetta stone cost?
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What are the problems with Rosetta stone?

Rosetta Stone is a great language learning source. Like all studies, however, it requires much practice. The only problem I can see, and onlt for some, might be the cost.

How much does Rosetta Stone Software cost?

Depending on the level that you choose to buy, the Rosetta stone can cost you anywhere between $250 for Level 1 to $300 for Level 3. If you purchase all three levels, you can get them at a reduced price of approximately $550.00.

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You can buy Rosetta Stone for Hungarian. Rosetta Stone helps you much better than other methods of learning a new language.

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the rosetta stone. the rosetta stone helped scholars work out a lot about ancin=ent egypt it was decoded by champollion

How much does Rosetta Stone English edition cost?

Depending on the levels you select you can purchase the English Edition of Rosetta stone for anywhere from $299(levels 1 and2) to $499(levels 1,2,3.4 &5). There are also payment plans available from $20 a month to $50 a month.

How much does the Rosetta stone wight?

1680 lbs or 760 kilos

In to kill a mockingbirdwhat is the rosetta stone why does scout think mr Avery gets his informations from it?

The Rosetta Stone is an ancient artifact that helped scholars decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics. In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout believes that Mr. Avery gets his information from the Rosetta Stone because he is known for making up stories and spreading rumors, much like the way the Rosetta Stone helped uncover hidden meanings. This is a playful and humorous way for Scout to express her skepticism about Mr. Avery's credibility.

How much does the Rosetta Stone weigh?

The Rosetta Stone weighs something like 760 kilograms, or about 1,676 pounds. If you need more information on this remarkable piece of history, use the link below to the Wikipedia post.

How much does a Rosetta Stone language program cost?

About $299, give or take. You have to be really patient to use it, though. Trust its system and you'll be amazed at your improvement. I tried the Korean program and really liked it.

Does Rosetta Stone offer Romanian?

Not at the moment. I called Rosetta Stone and was told that they are not giving out information right now about when Romanian will be available, but to keep an eye on their web sight, and when they have a date it will be posted there. Sorry this is not much help. Also, I spoke with a guy selling Rosetta Stone software in an airport a year or two ago and he told me that Romanian is one of the languages that Rosetta Stone will be offering in the future. I am very interested in getting this software when it comes out. Hopefully it will be sooner than later.

What is 'How much does this cost' when translated from English to Italian?

"How much does this cost?" in English means Quanto costa questo? in Italian.

What is the Rosetta stone and what is its important?

The Rosetta Stone is an inscribed slab held at the British Museum in London. The stone is important because it provided the key for translating Egyptian hieroglyphics. The stone contains the same message written in multiple ancient languages, some of which were known at the time of the stone's discovery. Knowing some of the languages helped to figure out those that were unknown.The Rosetta stone is a stone that was found near the city Rosetta. So that is why it is named the Rosetta Stone the reason why it is important is because it had three different languages on the stone which are Greek, Hieratic, Ancient Greece. The famous person who deciphered the languages and what they meant is some one who goes by the name os Jean-Francois Champollion.This tablet contained the translations of 3 different languages all on the same stone. # Greek # Egyptian Hieroglyphics # Demotic Scripts In addition, if we never found the Rosetta stone we wouldn't know much about Egyptian writing, ancient Egypt, or ruler Ptolemy v..It is because the Rosetta Stone had text in Greek and a later form of Egyptian. For a long time the historians did not know how to read them, but then a French soldier gave historians the Rosetta Stone. Because the message in all three languages was the same, scholars who knew Greek were able to figure out what the hieroglyphics said.The Rosetta Stone was important to archaeologists because it had hieroglyphics on it and it has been found after a long period of time.Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered, no modern human could read Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone had the same words written in three languages; Greek, demotic, and hieroglyphs, which allowed people to learn how to read Egyptian hieroglyphics by comparing them to the other two that scholars could know how to read hieroglyphics. the stone was in greek and two forms of hieroglyphics. people who spoke greek translated it and found out that it meant the same thing in hieroglyphics.