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Q: How much do diapers cost for 0-3 month old baby?
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Related questions

How much does a month's supply of baby diapers cost?

about $60.00 for Huggies :]

How much do diapers cost per month?

Babies go through several diapers a day, especially when they are young. The average baby needs about $80-150 worth of diapers a month.

How much do diapers cost yearly?

The cost of a pack of 124 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers (Newborn size) is approximately $26.00, and a baby uses about 10 diapers per day, on average. Therefore, the cost for a year of diapers would be approximately $765.

How much do diapers cost for 1 month?

as middle clas 1200 dihrns

How much would it cost for a month's supply of disposable diapers for 3 month old babies?

In a day ,considering you change your babies diapers 5 times a day ,you would require around 150 diapers a month.A good brand like pampers would cost you anywhere bw 40-45 $ a month.

How much did a pack of diapers cost in the year of 1999?

how much did a pack of diapers cost in 1999

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Baby wipes cost a lot. On an average one can spend like 40 dollars a month.

How much does a diaper cost?

Depending on if you buy in bulk and what brand you buy, baby diapers cost anywhere from $0.25 to $0.40 each.

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How much do baby diapers cost for one year?

It depends on the brand, but I was looking it up for a project and babies go through a pack of diapers a week on average. So the answer I got is it costs $2340 for a yearly supply of diapers.